Sometimes we must read between the lines


Read with Nkrumah

Anne of Survivor

Faced with comforming to societal norms, Lady Philana-Narie chooses to give up everything to preserve her sense of self.

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I Wish i had a latino

Hard working, over weight, over exhausted, and just plain fed up, Artemisia Clarke kicks her deadbeat boyfriend to the curb to find something new.

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The Chart

When Theodora’s husband, Chad, passed away, she was left with a hole in her life chart. Without a husband, can her spirit guide & angels help her fulfill her destiny?

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Anne of survivor

Can she create her destiny?

Anne is intelligent, pioneering, and audacious. Desired by all for her her free-spirited nature, what will happen if she were to settle and live quietly? Does she have the ability to do so, and would people still love her if she did?

The Chart Fan Art by Sprinkle Neko (Check our her Instagram HERE.)