Hello! I’m nkrumah.

Well, hello there! Don’t you just LOVE introductions!?! Yeah… neither do I, but let’s do this.

I’m Nkrumah Mensah, mother of two daughters, I work in construction by day, and I write at night. I do not enjoy long walks on the beach… please don’t judge… I hate sand, so catch me hiking. Pina Colada’s are not my thing either, I prefer bourbon… straight… keep yo rocks. What else? I love Star Trek, anime, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, horror movies, dancing, laughing, and Trevor Noah.

My Approach to the good life

You know, the Golden Rule is where I believe EVERYONE should begin in life. What is the Golden Rule? “Due unto others as you would have them do unto you.” So basically, if you want people to respect you… be respectful. If you want people to be honest with you… be honest. If you don’t want people to steal yo’ woman while she’s sitting in yo’ car waiting for you at the gas station… well…


Now that you have your blueprint, imagine making it happen. Dream of accomplishing step one… then step two… then step three. If you don’t know the steps, no problem. Simply imagine how wonderful you feel having all your dreams come true. Imagine using your new home, wearing your new shoes, fanning yourself with a wad of cash.

Dreaming My Dreams

You need to 1st have a dream before you can make it come true. Rather than thinking of dreams as a silly little exercise you do when you’re bored; think of them as blueprints for your future. Making blueprints is a serious endeavor. Be specific. It would suck to add a new bathroom to your home without a toilet.


The last part of my approach: Laughter. Laugh when you’re sad. Laugh when you’re stressed. And laugh with every ounce of your soul when you are happy. If you do this… 1) You’ll be less sad. 2) You’ll be less stressed. 3) You’ll be happier. 4) You’ll confuse the crap out of people less happy than you… which will only make you laugh harder, which, in turn, will lead to a longer lifespan.

“If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let em go, because man, they're gone.”

~ Jack Handey

(Hahaha… made ya laugh! I LOVE Jack Handy! - Nkrumah)