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The Sea can be many things... she can lend escape, be mysterious, aid in transformation. The moon is ever changing, secretive, and inconstant. What happens when you take a proper lady, toss her upon the sea with only the moon as witness?

When Anne finds herself trapped between a life chosen for her and the uncertainty of a life with no connections, she takes a leap of faith into the unknown. At a time when there are rumors of a coming war, and the succession of the throne is questioned due to an absent prince, she embarks on the greatest journey of her life.

 Will she survive the adventures, the ridicule; will her transformation prepare her for the future that lies in wait? Can she save herself let alone a kingdom?

Other Tales

I wish i had a latino

Artemisia is hard working and tired as hell. When she catches her scrub of a boyfriend, Jordan, cheating on her with some college student, she kicks him to the curb and begins again. With the help of her fabulously amazing best friend, Thom (pronounced Tom... people... no one says TH-omas) and her 456 ladies, she embarks on a new path to happiness.

The Chart

You’re being watched. You’re being protected. Your Spirit Guides and Angels are there to ensure you fulfill your Life Chart. So… what happens if they aren’t there to prevent your premature death? What comes of your Chart and the Charts of those you were meant to be with?