Well… welcome to my very first blog! Yay!!!

To be terribly honest, I’m not sure I know what I’m doing. I mean, who really wants to hear what I have to say? I’m not that interesting. In fact, how about I tell you about myself, you can read it, and if you would like more, send me an email. I won’t judge you for liking boring people. Hell, I like me, and I hope you do too.

(Part I: Childhood)

Well, first thing’s first, my name is Nkrumah Mensah. I was born in the 1900s in the wild and wonderful state of West Virginia. If you have no idea what WV is like… mmm… think District 12 of the Hunger Games minus the government enforced starvation and killing. Yep… much nicer than the home of Katniss Everdeen. Anyway, I didn’t grow up in WV, left when I was four. Just put my wee little boots on and hiked right outta there, heading for the great state of Kentucky, home of my mother.

Hmmm… speaking of my mother, I should probably tell you about my parental units. My dad is a FOB (“fresh off the boat” for you non-first geners) from Ghana (West African country, not to be confused with Guyana or French Guiana which are in South America). My mother is from, yep, already said it, Kentucky. How’d they meet? UK, not the United Kingdom, the University of Kentucky… which in Lexington, KY is deemed waaay cooler than the British Isles. I have no comment on this… I want everyone to like me. Anyway, they met, got hitched, moved to WV, had me, then my younger sister, and then we moved to Kentucky. Years later, my dad moved to Chicago… long story… reasons are up for debate within the family; my mom, sister and I stayed in KY. A booty call later and my baby sister was born, so we all moved to Illinois. Six years later, there was another 2-yr stint in KY, and finally a move to Tidewater Virginia. I graduated from Great Bridge High School and my youth was over. Yep. My childhood in a nutshell.

Intruiged? Wow… who knew. Come back another day to experience the summary of my early adulthood.
